Because rescuing ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound rescues missing records from all models it can produce unexpected behaviour which is hard to trace.

I recommend doing yourself a favour and logging any exceptions which are rescued by not re-raised and being explicit about the model from which you want to rescue RecordNotFound using the NotFound gem.

We had a fairly regular controller, here is an extract.

rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound do
  render action: 'not_found'

def show
  @study = Study.find(study_id)

def destroy
  command =
  command.on(:success) { flash[:notice] = "The study was successfully deleted" }
  command.on(:failed)  { flash[:notice] = "The study was NOT deleted" }
  redirect_to studies_path

Looks okay, right? The problem was that the destroy action was not redirecting to the index action. Instead we where getting the not found page being rendered. At first I thought it was redirecting to the show action and then rendering the not found because the model had been deleted. I didn’t write some of the code in the controller and that which I did I hadn’t looked at in years.

It took some time to figure out the problem.

It turns out that we made a change to an engine which was subscribing to a Wisper event broadcast from the DeleteStudy command.

Due to a bug in the listener a ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound exception was being raised on a different model. But this exception was being rescued by rescue_from and the not found page was being rendered. Because the exception was being silently swallowed it was not apparent what was going on.

I decided two things, one if you rescue an exception and don’t re-raise the same exception it should be logged and second we shouldn’t rescue such a broad exception as ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound. I wrote a tiny gem which raises a model specific RecordNotFound exception, so we can be explicit about the model from which we want to rescueReecordNotFound. The new code looked something like this:

rescue_from Study::RecordNotFound do |e|
  render action: 'not_found'

def destroy
  command =
  command.on(:success) { flash[:notice] = "The study was successfully deleted" }
  command.on(:failed)  { flash[:notice] = "The study was NOT deleted" }
  redirect_to studies_path


# in ApplicationController
def log_swallowed_exception(e)
  logger.debug("#{} #{e.message}\n #{e.backtrace.take(10).join("\n"))

We log the exception and rescue Study::RecordNotFound instead of ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound.