My current programming setup is the use of Vim, Tmux and Rspec on MacOS.


Apple + Space, “it” + Enter to open ITerm2

Apple + Space, “fi” + Enter to open Firefox


Alt + Apple + Ctrl + Left Arrow Key to make Iterm fill the left half the screen

Alt + Apple + Ctrl + Right Arrow Key to make Firefox fill the right half the screen


$ gitx

$ tmux

Ctrl + a (tmux prefix) then c(reate)

I then open 4 tmux windows, one for vim, one for the server(s), rspec and one for tail or other commands.

$ vim

$ rails s

EDIT: I now automate tmux

I then go about coding.

Using vim-turbux I can run a Spec in one of Tmux splits. I often use JRuby which can be a little slow to warmup so often have the specs running in a seperate window instead of a split.